The development of information technology has become a component of the fundamental historical process of modern man. However, this is in contrast to an industrial society, in which the primary activity is the production of information (which we will define as information about people and objects as well as facts and events, phenomena, and processes, regardless of their form), and the process of informatization is currently referred to as informatization (informatization being a contraction of the terms “information” and “information technology”) (hence the term – information society).
From the greatest achievements like developing the artificial intelligence to quite practical ones like having the ability to buy cheap coursework, informatization of society can be defined as a global social process, the peculiarity of which is that the dominant type of activity in the sphere of social production is the collection, accumulation, production, processing, transmission and use of information, carried out on the basis of microprocessor and computer technology, as well as on the basis of various means of information exchange.
It should not be assumed that the use of information and communication technology (ICT) is appropriate in all areas of educational activity. This is true in a large number of instances. The informatization of education, on the other hand, has both positive and bad features. Every teacher must be aware of the positive and bad aspects of the informatization of education and take them into consideration in their daily job.
As a consumer of information and as a developer of new information technologies in education, the educational system has a unique position in the informatization of our society (through highly qualified personnel). The contemporary person’s capacity to deal with information necessitates an education system that teaches students to think critically from an early age (critical thinking is characterized by knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation).
Throughout one’s lifetime, the importance of a person’s education, mental agility, and capacity to wade through a sea of data grows. As technology continues to advance in all fields of science, culture, and production, the ability of educated individuals to employ their creative potential to service these advancements is critical to society as a whole. As a result, one of the top priorities for society’s digital transformation is the modernization of educational institutions.
Informatization is defined as providing educational institutions with a methodology, technology, and practice for implementing psychological and educational goals of education and upbringing in a comfortable and health-saving environment, and utilizing contemporary IR technologies in this manner.
For education to be modernized, it is necessary to make use of a conceptual apparatus that has been around for some time. When information and knowledge became the principal consumer product as a result of the process of informatization, the term “information and communication technology” was coined. The widespread use of microprocessor-based computers has resulted in the inclusion of information and communications technology (ICT) in a broader definition that includes not only traditional methods of storing, retrieving, and processing information but also newer methods of broadcasting and exchanging it. These more recent approaches also enable people to obtain access to the massive quantities of information available on computer networks.
The mechanisms of operation and execution of the secondary and higher education systems are undergoing major changes as a result of society’s informatization. As a result, the following processes are triggered by informatization:
First, enhancing education system administration through the use of electronic databasesfor scientific and pedagogical data, materials and communication networks. The second is improving the selection of educational content that is relevant to students’ personal development in a society that is becoming increasingly computerized. Third, encouraging students tocreate their own educational materials.
- During the first stage of informatization of education (electronization), electronic means and computers were widely used in the process of training students, first in technical specialties (late 1950s – early 1960s) and then in humanitarian specialties (late 1960s – early 1970s). This stage included teaching the fundamentals of algorithms and programming, elements of logic algebra, and mathematical modeling to students in technical and humanitarian specialties (late 1960s – early 1970s). Algorithmic thinking and computational and logical algorithmic abilities were developed via the use of this method, as well as several programming languages. There was a lack of easy-to-use, intuitive for a normal user (not a programmer) and a nice interface of software in the field of liberal arts education at the period of computers’ low productivity.
- Education saw a second wave of informatization in the 1970s and 1980s, which saw the development of more powerful computers, user-friendly software, and a greater emphasis on human-computer conversation. At first, students were able to engage with “substitutes” for real-world items, and most significantly, they were able to manipulate the objects they were studying. Computer educational technologies have made it feasible to simulate a wide range of processes and phenomena (chemical, physical, social, pedagogical, etc.). Automated systems of various intelligence began to use computer technology as a strong teaching tool. Automated systems of education, knowledge control, and educational process management have become increasingly common in the field of education.
- Modern informatization of education involves the use of powerful personal computers, fast high-capacity data storage devices, new information and telecommunications technologies, multimedia and virtual reality as well as an understanding of the ongoing process of informatization and its social effects.
According to the previous statements, rather than simply erudition, one of the essential qualities of the information society is the ability to think freely, to draw on knowledge and experience, and to apply that knowledge to specific difficulties. This ability, rather than merely erudition, is one of the essential qualities of the information society. Modern thinking on the value of excellence in education is best served by a competency-based learning strategy that is oriented on student success. In life, a specialist’s level of competition has a substantial influence on his or her personal success and adaptability, and it finally becomes a determining factor in their or her professional development and advancement. As a result, a comprehensive education and training infrastructure must be constructed on the base of a chosen educational philosophy.