Technical team to develop a complex project

The technical team is one of the key components of a project’s success. We have eight years of experience in creating our own startups and developing startups on outsourcing, so we can say that no team is as effective as the one that sits in the same room with the whole team. There are exceptionally rare cases, but you shouldn’t expect yours to be that way. The most effective thing is to work for everyone in the same room at the same time. If you want to ensure top-notch technical support for your office and projects, please consider Managed IT support Edinburgh.

Live communication between team members is a direct way to the most effective work and the implementation of development plans.


Typical composition of the project development team

Most often we do the development of complex web projects. The optimal composition of the team for developing a web project:

  • Project manager (manager).
  • Back-end developer.
  • Front-end developer.
  • System Administrator.

The composition of the team can be changed according to the results of the project evaluation in order to reduce costs and development time.


First of all, the manager is connected to the project, who writes the technical specification, then the technical team, after the launch of the project – the journalist and the marketer.

In the classic case, the project development team works in the above composition. Sometimes the team can be shortened. The minimum composition of the team is a manager and a programmer, a designer is connected on demand.

One of the advantages of working with Mikhail Kechinov’s Studio is the ability to scale your team as the project grows and develops, when exploring new directions or to reduce costs. At any time, the team can be expanded to full in accordance with the list above, and also reduced to a composition sufficient to maintain the viability of the project.

The work of the studio’s technical teams is structured in such a way as to minimize the client’s expenses.

Also read: Develop a design and technology platform for managing the creation of medical equipment

Risks and their elimination

In the normal mode, the project team faces many risks, which are difficult to cope with in the absence of tangible technical experience and in the presence of limited finances. Often the emergence of risks becomes the reason for the delay in development and, as a result, the launch of the project. Also, the presence of risks can lead to the fact that the wrong paths for the development of the project will be chosen, and this is fraught, again, with time delays and cash slips.

The studio has been developing startups since 2006, and our experience will help you choose the right vector of development in the technical and business areas.

Typical startup technical risks:

  • There is no manager and programmers have been promising “launch in two weeks” for several months;
  • Sick leave;
  • Hiring unskilled employees;
  • Team management problems;
  • The sudden departure of employees from an unfinished project (sometimes as a whole team);

A large number of errors in the product due to the lack of a team of testers;

Slow search for new employees (often the search for a programmer takes two months and another two months is spent on his adaptation to the project, while it may turn out that the employee is not qualified enough or he will be hunted).